Farewell to our Inaugural Chair

Mick Gooda is presented with a print of a Bush Turkey, his totem. Mick Gooda, Inaugural Chair of NCIG Presentation of gifts to Mick Gooda, NCIG Board Meeting, December 2018 NCIG Board meeting, December 2018 Presentation of gifts to Mick Gooda, NCIG Board Meeting, December 2018 Mick Gooda, bush turkey
25 March 2019

Mick Gooda was integral to the establishment of NCIG.  He was a member of the advisory committee which in 2011 made the recommendation to ANU to establish NCIG, and became its first Board Chair in 2013-2016.  He continued in the role of Chair in 2017 to oversee the implementation of the NCIG Statute.  Writing in the 2018 Annual Report at the conclusion of his term of membership, Mr Gooda said, 'NCIG is creating a resource with benefits that I have no doubt will contribute to an historic change in the trajectory of health and well-being outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.'

Mr Gooda was presented with gifts from the University and the NCIG staff acknowledging his significant service to the Centre.  The Bush Turkey shown in the image below is Mr Gooda's totem.

Updated:  31 October 2019/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services